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We provide professional ACRA strike off services in the closing (or strike off) of local Singapore companies, working with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and other relevant government agencies.
A Singapore company may apply to strike its name off the register to ACRA, (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) in pursuant to section 344 of the Singapore Companies Act. ACRA may approve the application if the company meets certain reasonable causes or required conditions of striking off. We at Accountsavvy provide professional assistance in striking off the Singapore companies.
A company may apply to Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) for striking off its name from the Register pursuant to Section 344 of the Companies Act.
ACRA may approve the application of striking off or closing of company if it has reasonable cause to believe that the company is not carrying on business and the company is able to satisfy the criteria for striking off / closing of company. E.g.:- The company must not have any assets and liabilities, no outstanding penalties with any government authorities and etc.
In Accountsavvy PTE LTD, we are professionally trained and have many years of experience in handling the striking off / closing of company, you are ensuring a smooth striking off / closure of your company by complying with all the statutory conditions required by ACRA.
We provide professional services in the process of closing (or ACRA strike off services) of local companies, working with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and other relevant government agencies.
ACRA will strike off company in Singapore, only if the company meets the following conditions:
Upon approval of a strike off, a Striking Off Notice will be sent to the company at its registered office address, to its directors at their residential addresses and to the IRAS, within 14 days of the receipt of the strike off application.
A period of one month is given in the Striking Off Notice to anyone that may wish to raise any objection to the application.
After the one month period has expired, a notification of the intention to strike off this company off the register in 60 days’ time will be made in the Government Gazette. Any interested person can still raise an objection to the application during this 60 days period.
After the 60 days have expired, a final notification will be made stating that the company has been struck-off the register. The date that the company is struck-off will also be stated in the final notification.
The entire Company striking off process therefore takes about four months.
Aggrieved persons can appeal to the Court for restoration of the company within 6 years (formerly is 15 years).
Registered Office Service:
EVERY business/company must have a registered office in Singapore which must be operational and accessible to the public during normal office hours. Please note that a P.O. Box address cannot be used as a business address. If you do not have one, check out our Registered Office Service.
Corporate Secretarial Service:
All Companies registered in Singapore must appoint a Company Secretary to handle Statutory Compliance matters. If you have not appointed an experienced Company Secretary, check out our Corporate Secretarial Service.
Accounting & Tax:
Need help to keep proper account records for your business, perform tax computations and submit your Personal Income Tax Filing to IRAS? Accountsavvy offers book-keeping and tax services for business owners to fulfill compliance to IRAS.
Check out our Accounting & Tax Services.
ACRA strike off is one of the ways to cease and close down a local company in Singapore. It serves the purpose of closing down a Singapore Company (after going through the process of company incorporation Singapore) and removing the Company’s name from the Companies Registrar in the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) when the Singapore Company is no longer in operation.
You can complete the closing down Singapore company application online through the ACRA Bizfile website with the CorpPass.
You can complete the application to strike off company in 1 hour. However, upon submission of request to strike off, ACRA will process the application within 5 working days.
Once the strike off company in Singapore application is successful, ACRA will send a notice to the Company’s registered address as well as the officers’ (Director, corporate secretary and shareholders). After 30 days from the initial approval for strike-off, if there is no objection from the company’s officers, the Company name will be published in the Government Gazette also known as the First Gazette Notification.
Only after 60 days from the First Gazette Notification, if there is no objection from the general public, the Company will then be struck off from the register. This is also known as the Final Gazette Notification.
Any interested person can file an objection against the ACRA strike off application of a Company; usually a debtor of the Company. He/she can file an objection at no fee in ACRA. Upon receipt of such objection, the Company will be notified and be given 2 months to resolve the issue with the interested party.
Should the Company is not able to resolve the issue within the given timeframe, the strike-off application of company incorporation Singapore will lapsed and the Company can only submit an application for the process of closing down Singapore company when the objection has been successfully resolved.
For more information regarding the process to strike off company in 1 hour, contact us for a free Singapore company strike off consultation!